Nah, di mata kuliah ini, tiap minggunya itu ada presentasi tentang case yang di kasih sang dosen, berbagai case uda dibahas *lebai ih, sama ini baru 3 padahal*, dan kali ini kita membahas tentang CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) dalam kasus kebocoran gas di Bhopal, India, taun '84.
Jadi ceritanya, si Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) ini adalah perusahaan pembuat pestisida yang menggunakan gas methyl isocyanate (MIC) dalam pembuatannya. Nah, suatu malam antara 2-3 Desember 1984, terjadilah kebocoran (leak) yang menyebabkan gas MIC ini beserta zat-zat kimia lain mencemari daerah Bhopal sampai ke pemukiman penduduk
Parahnya, gas MIC dan kawan-kawannya ini sangat amat ga bagus, terutama buat mata. Wikipedia says,
Kayak gini nih foto korbannya:the initial effects of exposure were coughing, vomiting, severe eye irritation and a feeling of suffocation. The acute symptoms were burning in the respiratory tract and eyes, blepharospasm, breathlessness, stomach pains and vomiting. The causes of deaths were choking, reflexogenic circulatory collapse and pulmonary oedema.
Huaaaa sereem... kesiaan, saya ga mau lanjutin nulis lagi ahh... *pletak*
So, CSR macam apakah yang ditempuh UCIL ini demi kemaslahatan umat Bhopal? -aish bahasa gue-
Berhubung saya udah ga se-menggebu-gebu waktu awal mulai nulis entry ini dalam men-translate, jadi artiin sendiri ya, dibantu yaaakk
Wikipedia says (lagi),
- On December 4, the day following the leak, Union Carbide sent material aid and several international medical experts to assist the medical facilities in Bhopal.
- Union Carbide states on its website that it put $2 million into the Indian Prime Minister's immediate disaster relief fund on 11 December 1984.
- The corporation established the Employees' Bhopal Relief Fund in February 1985, which raised more than $5 million for immediate relief.
- According to Union Carbide, in August 1987, they made an additional $4.6 million in humanitarian interim relief available.
- The sale of its 50.9 percent interest in UCIL in April 1992 and establishment of a charitable trust to contribute to the building of a local hospital. The sale was finalized in November 1994. The hospital was begun in October 1995 and was opened in 2001. The company provided a fund with around $90 million from sale of its UCIL stock. In 1991, the trust had amounted approximately $100 million. The hospital caters for the treatment of heart, lung and eye problems
- Providing "a $2.2 million grant to Arizona State University to establish a vocational-technical center in Bhopal, which was constructed and opened, but was later closed and leveled by the government".
- Donating $5 million to the Indian Red Cross.
- Developing the Responsible Care system with other members of the chemical industry as a response to the Bhopal crisis, which is designed "to help prevent such an event in the future by improving community awareness, emergency preparedness and process safety standards".
Yang namanya Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) harusnya sudah memikirkan masalah sosial sejak awal. Dalam kasus ini, yang perlu diperhatikan sebenarnya penempatan pabrik pestisida tersebut yang mengambil lahan di Bhopal yang notabene wilayah kecil sehingga tidak cocok menjadi pusat industri. Pusat industri (pabrik dengan bahan kimia) seharusnya bertempat di wilayah yang terletak minimal 4 km jauhnya dari pemukiman, dan Bhopal bukan lah lingkungan yang seperti itu, Bhopal adalah pemukiman penduduk biasa dengan rumah penduduk yang tersebar di seantero wilayahnya. Maka dari itu, dapat dibilang pihak-pihak yang berhubungan dengan pendirian pabrik UCIL di Bhopal (baik itu pihak perusahaan maupun pemerintah yang jelas-jelas tau peraturan ini) telah mengabaikan tema CSR ini sejak awal.
PS: hari ini entri saya 'berat' sekali deh... hehehe
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