Rabu, 19 Desember 2012


Yak, seperti judul di atas, berikut adalah tulisan yang saya submit untuk tugas akhir mata kuliah Introduction to Korean Culture (in Bahasa) yang saya pelajari semasa Summer School di Inha University tahun ini. Kenapa di post? Niatnya sih banyak-banyakin entri blog aja....... #tabok



Nama: Lolita Banni Rachmadian
Student ID: 12124217

Dari seluruh kelas Kebudayaan Korea yang telah diberikan, yang bagi saya paling menarik adalah kelas tentang Cerita Rakyat Korea. Dalam dua kelas di hari yang sama itu, disajikan empat cerita rakyat yang semuanya menarik dan kaya akan nilai-nilai yang ada di masyarakat Korea sampai saat ini. Empat cerita tersebut adalah Sim Cheong Si Anak Patuh, Kacang Kedelai dan Kacang Merah, Heungbu dan Nolbu, dan Nyanyian Katak.
Dalam cerita Sim Cheong Si Anak Patuh, diceritakan seorang gadis muda bernama Cheong yang rela mengorbankan dirinya sebagai tumbal agar ayahnya yang buta dapat melihat kembali. Cerita rakyat bertema pengorbanan ini ternyata juga ada di Indonesia, salah satunya adalah kisah Asal-Usul Tradisi Kesada yang ada di masyarakat di daerah Bromo, Jawa Timur. Dalam cerita rakyat ini dikisahkan sepasang suami-istri bernama Joko Seger dan Roro Anteng yang diminta mengorbankan seorang anak mereka ke kawah Gunung Bromo demi menolak bala. Sejak saat itu, tradisi mengorbankan sesuatu yang berharga (di masa kini sudah diganti menjadi hasil panen) ke kawah Gunung Bromo terus dilakukan tiap tahun dan dinamakan tradisi Kesada.
Selain kisah Kesada yang serupa dengan cerita Sim Cheong, ternyata Indonesia juga memiliki berbagai kisah lain yang juga serupa dengan cerita-cerita rakyat Korea. Seperti misalnya kisah Kacang Kedelai dan Kacang Merah di Korea yang serupa dengan kisah Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih dari Pulau Jawa, atau kisah Hong Gil Dong si “Robin Hood” Korea yang mirip dengan kisah Si Pitung dari Jakarta.
Cerita rakyat adalah salah satu sumber pendidikan norma bermasyarakat yang terpenting terutama bagi anak-anak. Maka dari contoh-contoh di atas dimana Korea dan Indonesia seringkali berbagi satu pesan moral dalam cerita rakyatnya, bisa dikatakan bahwa baik Korea maupun Indonesia juga bertujuan menanamkan nilai-nilai mulia yang sama di masyarakatnya. 

Dan syelesaiii~~~~

Eniwei, mata kuliah ini betulan diajarkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia (saya mau masuk kelas Bahasa Inggris aja ga boleh T^T), tapi oleh orang Korea. Profesor saya itu namanya Prof. Koh Young Hun, beliau aslinya dosen di Hankuk University jurusan Foreign Studies-Malay gitu deh. Bahasa Indonesia-nya oke kok (yaiyalah, kalo ga oke gimana jadi profesor -.-) biarpun tetep aja logatnya kocak, ga bisa ilang itu kayaknya Koreanya :p Tapi mostly dia bakal ngerti kok kita ngomong apa, saya bahkan manggil dia "Bapak"^^ 

ini dia bapaknya, Prof. Dr. Koh Young Hun, dan salah satu cerita rakyat Korea yang kita telaah di kelas

Kalau kalian ada yang nantinya ikut Inha Summer School juga dan ketemu dia, salam ya dari saya, bilang aja bekas murid taun lalu ;)


Friday, July 27, 2012
Day #2

Well then... it was day #2. And know what, today we'd do a challenge to go separate ways in exploring Seoul. Starting from the moment we stepped out of hostel, we'd be ALONE. No more Lola, Elin, and Lia, now it was Lola or Elin or Lia. We'd lead our own adventure in this foreign city, just after a very limited time having tried to get used to live in Korea. Umm... do you think we'd succeed?

Okay, maybe everything is just too sudden when you hear this. Maybe you'll think: how did they come up with the idea? What for? Why?

Well, maybe we should flashback to just the night before, before we went to sleep after exploring the super-crowded Myeongdong...

At that night, as girls we are, we were talking and reviewing our experiences for the whole day, our first day. It was very exciting, of course, walking here and there, shopping, local culinary tasting, everything was just FUN. But unfortunately, there was one thing that kept become a problem everytime we should move from one to another place: missing child. Yes, missing child. Went together didn't mean we were always stick to each other while walking around, which became a problem since we always had to be worried everytime there was one member missing, moreover when you were in a place as crowded as Myeongdong. We couldn't contact each other since none of us had Korean number, and we couldn't really rely on Twitter (wifi in Korea mostly supports only Korean mobile carriers like Olleh, U+, etc). And okay, member that mostly and kept missing actually was me :p.

After some discussions, we agreed that probably, the reason why someone kept losing, was because each of us didn't really have similar interest. While I loved shopping so much, the other two didn't. While one of us loved to give a taste on each of the street foods, I didn't (well, I don't really eat). Sometimes we just had to wait for the other to finish her business before we could continue our exploration again. We came to conclusion that that was tiring... and time-wasting.

And so we made this challenge. The rule was just: we have time until 7 PM before meeting up at Handel & Gretel (Super Junior Yesung's cafe), to explore Seoul on our own. And why H&G? Beside the fact that Super Junior craze also hit me (which then made this place became my must-visit-cafe-in-Korea), it was also because we were planning to see the live broadcast of KBS Cool FM "Sukira", in which 2PM would be the guest and also DJs. While I love Super Junior, Lia LOVE 2PM, that was the sole reason of this plan.

So.... START!! (But witness it on the next post #SLAPPED :p)


at Handel & Gretel. See logo on the window for evidence^^

Minggu, 16 Desember 2012



or... not. At least, yet.

It's still a long way from my Korea Trip for us to just skip to this Nami Island story and to-go-tips. Therefore, just start! 시작하자!

So let's say that I just happened to go to Korea to study this summer (July-August '12), and for some time after I'm back here in my country of Indonesia, too lazy to post anything. But then again, it'll be too wasted not to post, right? ;)

So here I am. After all this 4 months. And while "study" was my alibi when I flew there (and I really lived up to that alibi, told my father I was being a good student during my Inha University Summer School and stuffs--well actually it was true, though XDD), of course I already had more plans up in my sleeves! And those were: TRAVELING, SHOPPING, and the most important was... FANGIRLING!!

Therefore my friends and I (I wasn't alone, of course) planned to arrive a few days earlier prior to our Inha SummSchool's set up arrival date for its students (tell 'ya later about this SummSchool stuffs, 'kay? :). And since school started on July 29, the date we picked was July 26 so we were going to have 3 days and 2 nights to enjoy Seoul as 3 beautiful tourists.

Left-Right: Me (Lolita), Elin, and Lia at our hostel room

We departed from Indonesia on July 25, 2012 when we arrived the next day morning at 8.30 at Incheon Int'l Airport. Since we wanted to be more 'Korean style' (eeeyy), we decided to take KORAIL rather than the expensive taxi nor the simpler Airport Limousine to take us to our hostel. We can compare their advantages/disadvantages here:

1. KORAIL cost just about KRW 4500 or $4.5, comfortable (since we took it at it starting point: the airport, the whole train is still empty XD), but no one would help you with your luggage, moreover if it is a lot. Plus huge suitcases would be very inconvenient to other (regular) passengers. Since KORAIL is also part of subway system, careful not to disturb any people! ;)
2. Airport Limousine (in form of a bus) cost KRW 10,000 or $10, but there is a driver who'll get in and get off your luggage for you, to and from the vehicle. I strongly recommend this if you bring a lot of luggage.
3. Taxi. If you have enough money to pay about KRW 50,000-100,000 or $50-100 (from airport to Seoul) and have a lot of luggage, then just take this most convenient way :)

empty KORAIL and my belongings ;)
 And there we reached Seoul. We stayed at Sinchon Hostel near Ewha University Station (이대역) for a very reasonable price of about $180/room (3 persons) for 2 nights, which include bathroom-TV-AC-fridge inside, 2 beds (1 single and 1 double), DIY breakfast (why DIY? Because you HAVE to Do-It-Yourself, with provided ingredients from them--bread w/ jam or ramyun w/ egg or just ramyun, coffee or tea, choose yourself ;), wi-fi, the use of computer & recreation room, the use of laundry room (I did my laundry here before moving out for school, since at dorm laundry would cost about $2.2 per the use of washing machine ;p), and of course... very nice hospitality from English-speaking staffs! PS: This hostel is also surrounded by lots of clothing and footwear shops. There you go, shopaholics! ;D

with one of the staff

Kitchen, just beside the recreation room

Recreation room. PCs, game console (Nintendo Wii), large TV, even books can be found here
Phewww, I haven't even finished our 1st day and this post has already long enough. -___-

Anyway, after resting for a while, we decided to get what I called "Live-in-Korea Starter Kit" which consists of T-money and Korea Pass cards. The former is VERY (yes, "very" with uppercase) important, moreover if you plan to stay for a bit long there. T-money, as in its "T" name, used for the payment for any means of regular Transportation (taxi, subway, bus). It's cheaper when you pay with T-money rather than cash (the difference hits about $0.3 per usage), which I personally think is the way Korean government encourages more and more people using it for the sake of reducing cash-on-hand and prevent fraud.

Oh, what a good Accounting student I am to even thought deep about it. -_____-

And for Korea Pass, it's the same with T-money in term that you use it to pay. The differences lie in the way they are being used: while T-money is for transportation, Korea Pass is accepted in almost every store in Korea as a mean of shopping payment. And while you have to buy an empty T-money and top it up first before using (and don't forget to always keep enough balance! ;), Korea Pass is being sold already with specific deposit amount inside. You can choose KRW 20,000, 50,000, or 100,000 if I'm not mistaken.
There is also Korea Pass with transportation payment means. More info about Korea Pass and where-to-buy, check here.

Left-Right: Korea Pass and T-money

Sooo... after getting our "starter-kit", it's time to PLAY!

We visited the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) office first (since it was where we get our K-Pass from. Yes, through a little luck, our KRW 20,000 K-Passes were free ;p), and there we found this K-Star Gallery!!

Me with Yunho, I-don't-know, and Eunhyuk. And okay, Leeteuk (like the real Leeteuk it is) creepily got in the frame also -_-
There were still so many celebs at this gallery, including Song Seunghun, Rain, Taecyeon, Girls' Generation, etc. And there were also this Jewel in The Palace standing figures beside the gallery:

Enough taking pictures there, we proceeded to nearest tourism site we could go on foot, which happened to be.... that famous Cheonggyecheon Stream!!

Not familiar? Okay, at first I too didn't even know this place until my friend told me. So this was the place where Kyuhyun paints on Seoul Song MV.

We really played there, like, literally. Because it was just so refreshing during our 2-hour-long being there. There were a wishing well, street musician, summer breeze, kids, cute couples... even if you don't want to play, just sit around and do nothing is fine.

in front of Cheonggyecheon


Sun almost set, so we decided to walk again to the most hip place when it comes to fashion and beauty throughout Korea: Myeongdong!

street of Myeongdong

One (and I think the largest) of so many Etude Houses in Myeongdong

This was my first time visiting Myeongdong (because later after my school had started, I'd be going there again for two more times). And at that time, it was during the Seoul Summer Sale 2012 so every shop in the whole street of Myeongdong was giving their best prices. And the endorsement model of this event was Super Junior :))

in front of Myeongdong's Seoul Summer Sale 2012 main gate
And I was also part of many 'victims' from this sale euphoria T___T

Anyway I'm not regretting, since I got it at its best price, as I said earlier. This whole body treatment from Etude House consists of 250+50 ml for each Body Wash and Body Lotion cost only KRW 18,000 or $18!! Later, my cousin checked at one Etude House store in my home country, and the same set had a whopping price of $54! Woohooo, as my friend said, the only things rather cheap in Korea are beauty things and K-Pop CD! XDD Oh, and we also tried our first real-Korean-street-snack here: odeng and a very yummy fried sausage with chili sauce. Each for KRW 2,000 or $2. YUM!


Tips from day #1

1. Book your accommodation via Agoda. I believe it is the cheapest way available for those who prefer planned holidays like me, OR if you dont have credit cards (like me! :D) you can also book your accommodation via booking.com and pay on the spot!

2. Actually Cheonggyecheon is located in the area of Gwanghwamun Square. Gwanghwamun Square itself consists of so many tourist attractions, namely Gyeongbok Palace (경복궁), King Sejong and Admiral Yi Sun Sin's statues, King Sejong Museum/Sejong Iyagi (where you can try-out writing hangeul with brush and ink like you usually see in sageuk drama, for FREE), and of course, this Cheonggyecheon area with this thing I don't know the name:

Anyway since everything is on one location within walking distance, I suggest that you spare one full-day just to roam around this area. And beside Myeongdong, shopping location of Insa-dong is also within walking distance from here (it's actually nearer than Myeongdong).

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

TVXQ - I KNOW Kanji, Romaji Lyrics and Translations (English and Bahasa)

Since I've been looking around but haven't found any post about this song's lyrics and the translations (of course!), then just make one! :D
I especially love this song from the first time I heard it. The lyrics are also meaningful, yet simple (at least for rookie Japanese student like me ._.). The title 'I Know' from their repeated line 'Wakatteru... Hontou wa wakatteru' is also so heartbreaking T.T

Well, simply said, this song is about a guy that knows AND understands that he could never make his girl happy, so he decided to let her go, but then find that he still can not move on because he still loves the girl. But then again, he HAS to understand.

TVXQ - I Know lyrics

Album: Catch Me (If You Wanna)

Kanji and Romaji lyrics credit to beautifulsonglyrics.blogspot.com

English and Bahasa Translations, and also lyrics arrangement credit to this blog and me (Lolita)

Doko madenara kimi no koto wo aishite ii no
How much more must I love you?
Sejauh mana lagi aku harus mencintaimu?

Karameta yubi wo ima hodo ite mo
Eventhough our fingertips are not entwined at the moment
Biarpun saat ini ujung jari kita tak bersentuhan

futari wa mata aeru to itte
The two of us said that we will meet again
Kita berdua berkata kalau kita akan bertemu lagi

Suki da yo..
I love you..
Aku mencintaimu..

Kinou no yoru mo ototoi no yoru mo (zutto)
Last night, the night before last night too (always)
Malam kemarin, malam sebelum kemarin pun (selalu)

Kimi wo omotte itanda bakadane
I keep thinking about you, such a foolish, am I?
Aku terus memikirkanmu, aku bodoh, kan?

Me no mae ni ite mo hanarete ite mo
Be it when you're in front of me or when we're apart
Baik saat kau ada di hadapanku maupun saat kita terpisah

心、 君のところ
Kokoro, kimi no tokoro
This heart is in your place
Hati ini ada di tempatmu berada

Munen naka ni shimau koto ga
The words you hide deep down in your heart
Kata-kata yang kau simpan jauh di dalam hatimu

Boku ni wa seikaidattan da ne
Please tell me that
Katakanlah padaku

Sorezore ni ibasho ga aru
We each have a place to return to
Kita memiliki tempat kembali masing-masing

Sonna koto wakatteru
I know that
Aku tahu itu

Doko madenara kimi no koto wo aishite ii no (aishite ii no)
How much more must I love you?
Sejauh mana lagi aku harus mencintaimu?

Karameta yubi wo ima hodo ite mo
Eventhough our fingertips are not entwined at the moment
Biarpun saat ini ujung jari kita tak bersentuhan

futari wa mata aeru to itte
The two of us said that we will meet again
Kita berdua berkata kalau kita akan bertemu lagi

Ureshii toki mo ochikonda toki mo (zutto)
In happiness or in sadness (always)
Di saat senang maupun sedih (selalu)

君を想っていたんだ ダメだね
kimi wo omotte itanda dameda ne (mou)
I keep thinking about you, it's not right, right? (again)
Aku terus memikirkanmu, ini tidak benar, kan? (lagi)

Genjitsu wa koerarenai
Reality can not be stopped
Kita tak bisa menghentikan kenyataan

Sonna koto wakatte iru
I know that
Aku tahu itu

Kanawanai koi to shitte ite mo
Even when I know that this love will not come true
Biarpun aku tahu kalau cinta ini tak akan pernah terwujud

oborete shimau (oborete shimau)
I still drown into it
Aku tetap tenggelam di dalamnya

Dakishimeru tabi ni sabishisa ga
Everytime I hug you, this loneliness
Setiap kali aku memelukmu, rasa sepi ini

Nankai mo komiagete kurukedo
Again and again comes
Terus menerus datang

Kimi no nioi ga, kimi no katachi ga
Your smell, your body
Harummu, tubuhmu

Boku no sukima wo umete yuku yo
Fill the gaps that I have
Mengisi kekosonganku

Ichido dakede iikara
Just once will do
Hanya sekali pun cukup

suhada made kanjitai
I want to feel you
Aku ingin merasakanmu lagi

Doko madenara kimi no koto wo aishite ii no (aishite ii no)
How much more must I love you?
Sejauh mana lagi aku harus mencintaimu?

Karameta yubi wo ima hodo ite mo
Eventhough our fingertips are not entwined at the moment
Biarpun saat ini ujung jari kita tak bersentuhan

futari wa mata aeru to itte
The two of us said that we will meet again
Kita berdua berkata kalau kita akan bertemu lagi

どんなに ただ君のことを 愛したくても
donnani taga kimi no koto wo aishita kutemo (aishita kutemo)
No matter how much I love you
Tak peduli seberapa besar cintaku untukmu

kimi o shiawase ni dekiru no wa boku janai
The person that can make you happy is not me
Orang yang bisa membahagiakanmu bukan aku

hontou wa wakatteru..
I really know that..
Aku betul-betul tahu itu..

kimi wo, tada sukinanoni
I just love you, somehow
Aku hanya mencintaimu...